You must have a parent contact me to verify that this is an excused absence. Any concert absence not cleared by parents will be considered an unexcused absence, which results in automatic F for that quarter. Note that because this is an academic class, extracurricular events (including sports and work) are not considered a valid excuse.
Then, pick one of the below projects to do in place of your concert grade:
Project Option 1: Write concert notes on any 3 of the songs, clear them with the teacher, the teacher will read them aloud at the concert as part of their speaking (if a last-minute emergency, write the notes about the next upcoming concert)
- Include biographical information about composers
- Include connections between each song and the overall concert theme
- Include commentary on the specific song and its meaning and/or style
Project Option 2: Design two unique posters for the concert, clear them with the teacher, print them, post them around school and town (if a last-minute emergency, make the posters for the next upcoming concert)
- Include the basic when, where, who, what
- Use a variety of fonts and sizes to emphasize important information
- Use a color scheme and pictures that work well together to make cohesive artwork