Friday, July 21, 2017

WFHS Vocal Music Department Concert Report

West Fork HS Vocal Music Department Concert Report


Please staple a program from the concert to the back of this sheet.

Name of school (or choir):_________________________________________________
Date and time of concert:__________________________________________________
Names of all ensembles performing at the concert:_____________________________
Name of director/conductor(s):_____________________________________________
Name of accompanist(s):__________________________________________________

Your impression(s) of the choir(s) you heard: The Facts (type of music, type and size of audience, description of the performance venue, time of year, theme of concert, age(s) and gender(s) of singers, what the choir(s) was/were wearing, instrumentalist(s) that played with the choir(s), etc.)

Your impression(s) of the choir(s) you heard: Your Opinions (what you enjoyed, what the choir(s) did well, what they could improve on, etc.)
Be specific and support your opinions with facts. Discuss in your opinions some of the things that we talk about in class.
Be tactful and considerate when offering suggestions for improvement.

Choose your favorite song from the concert and describe it in detail, discussing why it was your favorite piece.


HS Make-Up Practice Sheet

West Fork HS Music
Make-Up Practice Sheet

For grading purposes, students have been asked to practice – catching up on the mastery gained by the rest of the class – for each day they are absent. Please see Miss Wilson for the specific make-up work and details. It is the students’ responsibility to be proactive in making up the work for every excused absence. This sheet must be returned within one week of the missed class period to receive credit.

Name:________________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________
Date Absent:___________________________ Date Practiced:___________________________

Please practice or complete the following assignment:__________________________________

Suggested Amount of Practice Time:________________________________________________